
when it rains, it pours

The start of Spring has been quite crazy,
as you can see in the picture above.
The good news is I was able to get all of my Spring Cleaning done,
and spend some time doing fun Easter activities
with the funny kids in my life (make that 10).

It has been raining nonstop.
As in so much rain our rain gutter broke off our house
and needs to be replaced.

Then my computer started showing the spinning lollipop nonstop.
The professionals at the store prefer to call it the beach ball.
Those of you who have seen it know just what I mean!
It's been in the shop for 7 days and will be hundreds to fix.
I said "no thanks" and decided to buy a new iMac today.
Well, come to find out they are releasing a new version next week.
So, I'm waiting....

I'm blogging on my beach-ball-loving-computer
in the rain
with crazy kids all around me.

It's pouring.
Can I catch a break in the rain?
I'm ready for Spring now.
The real deal.
The one where I spend the day out in the sun.
Those May flowers sure will be abundant!

1 comment:

Katie G. said...

hmm the beach ball huh? We call it the spinning wheel of death! Good luck with that!