
Kids Camp/Cleaning Camp

I got 2 full days of Spring Cleaning in last week.
My main level is in tip-top shape.
My kids went to "Kids Camp" at neighbor's houses
while I cleaned.
It's our swap to keep the kids happy &
conquer our Spring cleaning.

I had 10 kids at my house this morning.
It was chaotic but mostly fun.
These kids play well together.
Finding shoes and socks and jackets for all 10
was not so fun. But we survived!

Their favorite is tag...

I'm sitting in my new office (Stella's old room).
It's not quite done yet,
but we got a steal-of-a-deal on a desk this weekend
so it's getting close.
Here's a peek...

We still need to hang some stuff
and organize a few more things,
then I'll show you the finished product.

The 10 kids are gone to play "Kids Camp"
at another house, so I'm off to start on my basement.
Now's the time to get rid of toys
when no little boys are watching!

1 comment:

Jody said...

You are so good at everything you do!!! Love the sneak peak of the office....I am sure the rest is just as fun!!