Grandma got James this lil' red tractor for his birthday.
He loves being just like his brother, cruising the driveway behind the wheel.

He's mastered the gas pedal but not the steering part just yet.
I love that it matches his hair and is called the "lil' red" tractor.

James could ride him all day if we let him.
He looks out his window in the morning and yells "drive. tractor."
Whenever I take him into the garage to load and go in the van he wiggles
and screams to get down so that he can jump on and take off in his tractor instead.
He doesn't get far....he usually crashes into the garbage cans or gets stuck in the grass.
It's a match made in heaven.
Thanks, Grandma!
I love it! So cute.
that is AWESOME!!!!
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