This little man is a handful.
I love him, I do, but this discipline stuff is hard.
Every night he tells me "night time is too long" & doesn't want to go to bed.
During the day when I suggest an activity he will tell me "that is boring" & refuse to try it.
Most mornings he asks for ice cream for breakfast & when I suggest cereal, pancakes or yogurt he tells me "my tummy isn't hungry for that. it's telling me it wants ice cream".
He wakes in the night and knocks on his door to tell me "i had a dream that james wouldn't share" & acts wide awake at 4am.
When I ask him to get dressed he throws his body on the floor and declares, "i'm too tired".
He's too old for naps, and when he does nap he ends up staying up way past my bedtime, but
if he doesn't get some rest time during the day he's unbearable by 5pm (thus the falling asleep while watching a show ON the living room table).
He's pretty darn handsome and incredibly funny and full of personality, but I'm just hoping he grows up soon. I need him to be a good big brother that is helpful, responsible and a good example to his 2 younger siblings. I was relying on him to be mommy's little helper.
Is that too much to ask?
This parenting stuff is exhausting...
How old is he?
I'm exhausted by my 4 year old. Maybe they are at similar ages? Some days are so tiring. I am hopeful that a new sibling will help them want to be a good older brother/sister.
It seems like they go through those times when even though they are getting older, they act younger. I am dealing with the same thing right now. I keep telling myself, it's just a phase, it's just a phase, PLEASE say it's just a phase. :)
amen, it is exhausting!!
Not to mention... how extra exhausting single parenting is!! YOu are tough!
He sure is handsome though! And once that baby is here, he'll be such a good helper! But yes, you're right, it is exhausting. We are going through similar things with Lydia.
That is the cutest picture! I love it!
I sure wish kids came with a manual, individualized for each child. I swear each child gets more difficult to be consistant with.
I always tell my kids, "It's a good thing you're so cute!" If they weren't, I would sell them to the gypsies!! So much joy and pain all wrapped up in such little spirits, huh?
Good luck Jess! I love reading your blog. It makes me feel that I am not the only one that goes through these little moments day after day. Isaac asks for icecream for breakfast too.
Sometimes.. smoothies are a compromise. he doesn't like to go to bed or nap time because.. his favorite excuse is "Its too Scary!" Henry will be a good big brother but.. growing up is a day at a time.
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