
little licker

My kid finds his chin tasty...He says he's trying to get "the food" that's on his chin off. Too bad that food is just chapped skin from his licking addiction.

Now he's got a double smile...
Any cures?


Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

OMGsh that looks painful. Is this a 4 year old thing? 'Cause Jace is doing this same thing too, and his isn't as bad but it's getting there. He also chews on his shirt sleeves.

Natalie said...

Hey Jessie, Natalie from Babynames here! Emily used to get that around Henry's age, a nice little half moon under her bottom lip. I used to try and put Aquafor, Aquaphor?, on it at night and hope for the best! There's really not much ya can do cause they just wipe it off, lol. Now, with both the kids, being it's winter, I try to lotion them up with Vaseline brand lotion, faces, everywhere and it seems to be curbing it a little. Winter is terrible on my kids faces! If it makes you feel better, there's kids in Emily's Kindergarten class that have chapped chins!

Natalie said...

Oh, another thing that works pretty good too is Nivea chapstick, it's in sort of a lipstick type tube, called Kiss moisture or something. Emily gets chapped lips and hates any type of menthol or medicated chapsticks that 'sting.' I just have her put it all over her mouth like a bad case of grandma applied lipstick!

Jody said...

Lanisoh or whatever the stuff is called for breastfeeding. It is safe to eat too!

WhettenWild said...

My kids have done that. I just coat them with Vaseline before they go to bed. It really seems to help fast. Good luck. That really looks like it hurts!

chris w said...

I'll be the only comment that isn't about my little one having that problem...It was me that had that when I was a kid. The playground lady at school finally took me aside and gave me a carmex. It changed my life. LOL

My son does have really bad lips though and I found a chapstick at Walgreens that hooks to his belt loop and has a cord like janitor keys that extends and retracts so he can leave it hooked on to his belt loop as he uses it and he has it with him at all times. Coolest thing ever!

pamela said...

i wish i knew because every child i've seen lately has it and i want to rub somethin' all over it.

Renee said...

My W use to have this same problem. His pediatrician recommended Aquaphor. It's water based, so the skin can still breath...

Lindsay H. said...

Vaseline will help keep it hydrated and it tastes bad, so it might deter him from keeping the habit. Poor Henry!

~Lindsaybear from BN

jodi said...

Gilly has it to...I use neopsporin with pain reliever on it when he's good and tabasco when he's not.

PeavoyMom said...

My Liam has the same problem. We got some vitamin cream lotion, which he doesn't mind using because it has no scent. Another thing that works is the Hemp hand Cream from the Body Shop, he doesn't like the way it smells. These are the ONLY two things that work quickly enough for me to want to spend money on. (By they way, I am friends with Amber Severts, and I just love your blog)

Anonymous said...

lansinoh - the stuff you use for nipples. seriously. I use this on Cora b/c hers gets chapped too and it starts to bleed. I'm so glad we aren't the only ones....