

A Bradley friend of mine has a great blog where she mostly writes about motherhood, crafts and life's simple pleasures. Awhile back she posted about her family advent calendar, complete with activity ideas that you pull out of cute felt Christmas shapes....1 a day until Christmas. I thought it sounded like so much fun to do with my kids, so I found a felt advent calendar on Etsy (I don't sew) and copied some of her activities and added a few of my own.It's been a hit with the kids.

Some of our favorites have been...

Day 2: Decorate the Christmas Tree
Day 4: Go for a drive/walk and look at Christmas lights

Day 7: Make a Gingerbread House (the boys of the house opted for a train)
We're still looking forward to making sugar cookies, delivering Christmas cards, watching Christmas movies and reading the Christmas story in the scriptures.

15 days until Christmas....


Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

That is a way cute advent calendar-- I wanted to do one bad this year but darn if there's no time! I think I've got like 8 ideas saved for next year, lol.

chris w said...

That is such a cute idea! I love that it hangs like that - one more cute decoration. Love it!

pamela said...

i love this ! so cute.

Niederfam said...

LOVE the advent, super cute, and I could pull that off too, as a non-sewer!!!!

FUN traditions!!!

Sarah said...

I LOVE that!!!! And where did you get that AWESOME family tree???

Anonymous said...

I love your advent calendar and that you've done it too! It's been so fun for the girls.