
Goodbye, Gallbladder!

That heartburnish attack I blogged about a few weeks ago occurred again last week.  This time I knew what I was in for, drugged myself up, cried, rolled up in a ball and knew that I had to find a doctor that could solve this problem.  No one should have to live in that kind of pain....ever.  Have you ever had a charlie horse in your leg? The kind you can't stand for even a minute before wanting to die? Imagine it in your back and never subsiding for 8 hours.  That's what I was experiencing.  Lortab stinks for the pain, but it does make you too groggy to stay awake and realize the pain.  So that's what I took and that's how I survived this time around.  The next morning I called a new GI doc.  The last one I went to told me I had reflux and to take Prevacid...even after I told her, "My friends (meaning 4 of you that commented on the previous post with your gallstone stories) say it sounds like gallstones".  She laughed, blew me off and told me "that's not it".  Anyways, the new doc was heavenly (thanks again, Jodi!), right way told me it sounded like gallstones and sent me in for an abdominal ultrasound today.  Well, that picture above is about what the tech saw (in u/s format)....it looks like I ate too many black beans and corn to me!  She scanned me, gave a slight chuckle, and said, "You won't need any further testing.  You have major gallstones and will be getting your gallbladder removed".  

So, it's sayonara to my gallbladder as of April 24th.  Doc says it's major surgery, but I will take that over my major attacks.  Grandma and Grandpa will be coming into town (pure bliss). Kiddos will be tended by Pam and then spoiled by G&G (the best). Daddy will be taking a few days off work (total miracle!).  Mommy will be laying in a bed with a book and a tv remote, high on drugs (sounds appealing).  

Thanks for all of your advice and diagnosis.  One last question; how much does a gallbladder weigh..and what about all those corn kernels and black beans they'll be removing?  I just may reach my goal of 5 pounds this month.  I was planning on accomplishing that with running, but I think surgery counts and may just do the trick.  


pamela said...

i'm so so glad you solved the problem...well that you are on your way to solving the problem!!

Jill said...

nasty picture... thanks for that, LOL! Glad to hear your new doc knew what she was doing. Hope you are back to 100% soon!! Enjoy the drugs and TV time, :-)

Tony said...

Hey you little STONER! Sorry to bring you down a tad, but getting the gall bladder out will not help you that much in the weight department... The actual organ is roughly the size of a regular round ballon that hasn't been blown up. The biggest one I've seen come out of somebody still most likely weighed much less than a pound... On the flip side, hospital food just might make you not want to eat enough that you may still lose your 5 pounds! Good Luck
p.s. If they take it out laproscopically, which I am sure they are going to, it is a fairly MINOR surgery... it will take about 30-45 mins and are usually not a bad recovery with almost no scars, I wouldn't be too nervous. We do several every day here at Lakeview... Where are you having it done?

Unknown said...

I hate to break it to you but they might tell you to quit drinking coke. That's what they told my aunt anyway. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help out! I have had, count'em 4 laporoscopy surgeries. You are down maybe a week and don't feel "normal" for a few weeks. Good Luck!

Di said...

Oh man. So Sorry. Talk to Rita. She had her gallbladder out.

bjean said...

Shoot Jessie! That is a bummer and a half. I hope all goes well.

WhettenWild said...

I'm glad you found out what is wrong but I'm sorry you have to have surgery. At least you won't have to have the attacks anymore.

Unknown said...

Yes I am blog stalking you. Sorry! So sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery, but I hope it goes well for you! Thanks for having us over the other night. It was a lot of fun. You guys have a great family. I wish there had been more times, but oh well. I am sure you know what is going on by now cause according to Beauen you know everthing! Thanks for sending him my blog a while back! Even though it sucks now, I am glad that he was in my life. Please give him a hug and tell him I love him, and take care of him for me! Thanks Jessie!

The Unprocessed Project said...

I thought that was a pic of a burrito from Chipotle....gross.

Glad you are going to be pain free soon!

Unknown said...

that is nasto picto, i'd want it out too.

Tia said...

i never did like corn and might give up black beans now too.

Jessie said...

I'm coming to Lakeview, Tony. Thanks for the calming advice. I'm not too worried about it.

And yes, that picture looks disgusting, Katie. I'm not craving a Chipotle burrito today.

The Lamb Family said...

Jessie, I am so glad that you found out the problem. Man, the picture sure looks appetizing;) Yikes! Every time I eat corn or black beans, I'm going to picture this and won't want it again.

Renee said...

Oh Jessie, I feel your pain! I've been there...I had my gall bladder taken out on my mission in some podunk town of Indiana...I mean, really podunk! I had it done laproscopically & was out teaching 2 days after surgery. (I was only a little stiff when I sat down)...but it's really not that bad! :)

Good luck...I'll keep you in my prayers!

Kathy said...

Wow, if there's anything we can do let me know! The boys are sure welcome to come over here and play anytime!

Sand said...

Okay, that picture was a little disturbing. Haven't checked you blog for quite a while and when I decide to check it out........... ka blam!!!! I see guts! Well at least you won't be in any more pain. Let me know if you want to borrow any of our DVDs.

Unknown said...

i too am glad you found out wht that problem is, but YUCK surgery that stinks!!

Niederfam said...

I'm so sorry, BUT I'd be so happy knowing I won't be enduring any more PAINFUL attacks! And a remote, bed and drugs to yourself, sounds pretty good to me too!!!

PS You will be invited!!! Thanks!