This toy has been a favorite of both of our boys. It was a great find by my mother-in-law at the dollar store. When I first laid eyes on it, I thought it was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen. It was quickly named "psycho duck" because....well, I'm sure you can figure that one out on your own. I no longer complain about it's appearance because both of my children have a large place in their hearts for this duck with wires. At 4 months old they have both been able to grasp onto it by the plastic-coated wires, pull it in near their faces and nibble on the colorful pieces. Very few toys can be fully enjoyed at this age, where grabbing is new, but their little hands sure can handle this one. So, if you need a toy that is inexpensive ($1), entertaining and easy to use by most 4 month olds, and I'm sure Made in China (too bad they eat it), then head on over to the Dollar Store near you.
Gotta love Psycho duck!
I spent like $15 a piece on some nice wooden (safe) rattles for my kids, and they latched onto these cast-off plastic things we had lying around. Go figure.
how cute! i love that toy.
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