I went to get James from his crib the other morning and found him holding on to the rail, serious-faced, pleading to get out with his "uh-goos". I sorta felt like he was a prisoner.
But then I peeked over the top at him, and he gave me his big "good morning" grin!

I just have to brag for a minute about what an amazing baby I have. I remember being so exhausted and overwhelmed with Henry at this age because he would never sleep at night for longer than a 2 hour stretch (attached to me and IN our bed) and would never nap for more than a matter of minutes (attached to me and IN my arms). I had serious lack of sleep. Now, I have James who will take at least 2 huge naps a day (and a few more catnaps) and then sleeps from 8pm-6am, eats and then goes back to bed for a few more hours.
Sleep makes life so much more enjoyable. And, I really do prefer him in his baby jail and me in my King-size.
Cute pics, too bad the jammies are a brutal reminder of where my whole pay check goes, trashem.
I'm so jealous! I'm also really happy that James is such a good baby for you.
Yea for babies that let mommies sleep!! Sounds like we have similar experiences with our first born vs second. Don't you wonder now though how much of it has to do with our comfort/knowledge with the second? Maybe YOU can have another and we'll see if it gets even better the third time around :)
He is looking more and more like Henry everyday. so adorable! So, what is your secret to getting him to sleep somewhere other than your arms??!!
The secret is HAVE A 2ND ONE, Katie! :) #2 just can't be in your arms all of the time because you are too busy with #1. They just get used to being a little bit neglected, that's all.
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