
3 blind mice and a finger!

We have now caught 3 mice....2 down in the food storage room and 1 in our living room. I was actually able to function in my house yesterday....had preschool with the 3 little boys, did laundry, and even cooked dinner in my contaminated kitchen. Then, last night Preston found the trapped mouse in the food storage room....and then I was up at 12:30 making my "to do" list for today and I heard a trap snap in the living room. That little booger was under our couch again. So now I'm back to feeling violated. I don't care if they stay downstairs and out of my personal space, but under my couch?...that's where I sit, sleep, eat and play with my kid. It disgusts me, frightens me, and makes me feel major hatred for animals taking over my living space. I am no lover of animals, I despise most, but if this goes on much longer there just may be a cat in my future.

Oh, and to top it all off Henry came inside crying from the garage last night (he was "helping" Preston board up some entry holes for the mice), pointing at his finger and telling my "mouse bite". Come to find out he wanted a little cheese and stuck his finger in one of our garage traps. Everyone has been warning me that those things break little kiddies fingers, but my kid is made of steel, I guess. He cried for a few moments and never said another word.

The reasoning behind my post title today is that I never really knew mice were blind until the toothless wonder told me yesterday. They really are blind. Does that mean one may jump into my bed thinking I'm a big piece of meat to eat since it can't even see me?


The Unprocessed Project said...

I'm telling you....those mice heard about the years supply of food that you are keeping in your house!

Anonymous said...

Mice actually are not blind. They are somewhat color blind, but definitely not blind.

HooverBirds said...

of all people to have to go through this :)

Unknown said...

i am sorry you still have mice in your house. we read a book last night called Mortimer the mouse and the Nativity, you should read it maybe they just don't like their cold place and want somewhere warm to sleep!! :) It is really a cute book Henry would LOVE it! :) I hope you get rid of all those mice. Maybe they came out of your tree!! :) Next year you might want to just get a fake tree like us!! ha ha! just kidding! Good luck on getting the rest of those mice! I only like mice in books NOT in my house!!

Renee said...

ok, so I checked out your blog today, but minimized the window to like 3 inches wide...in fear of what might be in the picture! Hee hee...I am so sorry that you still have them. I always worried that they would come through my vents...bleh! I HATE mice. Let's hope they'll be gone super fast!

The Lamb Family said...

Jessie, you just crack me up! I really hope that those mice would just go away or eventually all get killed so that you can start writing other fun things that are going on. I can see that these mice are kind of ruining your days...;)

Orange said...

We like glue traps the best. If kids get into them, it doesn't hurt them, just gets them sticky. They really do work, too. We have mice all the time, they come in through our fireplace. I never thought it was that big of deal but now I'm getting kind of freaked out in sympathy of you and your fears. Good luck!

pamela said...

remember preston's superpower? that he can't break bones? i am sure henry inherited that. in fact, you may not even need to try to brush his teeth, as strong as preston's have been.

The Unprocessed Project said...

Are you ok? Did the mice run off with your laptop?