

After living in our house for almost 7 months we have finally hung a few things up. I had been begging Preston to do it for a few months now, but he fears putting holes into walls, so I talked some nice family members and neighbors into helping me out. Preston came home to a few surprises, but loves them, of course!

The baby/mom/dad montage is in our bedroom. It reminds us of our precious little guy morning and nightly (and no it's not crooked, I had to take the pic at an angle due to some shadows). The family shot and Henry's 1 year photos are in the hall that leads to the office. The shadow box of Henry is at the end of the hall...makes for a nice, little focal point on your way to the bedrooms. The vinyl quotes are courtesy of the Vinyl Queen at "WordCandy", she comes highly referred from me. The last photo is not a "hang-up", but I did want to share our new nightstands. We have been living nightstandless, and boy, do these puppies make a big difference. All of my junk is hidden behind the drawer and door, and my glasses are no longer stolen by a mischevious toddler. They also make great holders for candles, pictures, steel roses (my hubby proposed to me with that one), flowers, and an alarm clock. You can find the nightstands in various colors at IKEA if you are at all sold on my ravings.

So, the house is comin' together. The yard needs some work and now with the babe on the way the office has to be made into a nursery, but we're getting there. Or shall I say, I'm getting there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love how you did the wall in your bedroom. I need to do somethink like that in my room. WE have been here 6 months and I am still decorating so you aren't too far behind me! :)