
parkin' it

What do you do with 5 kids of varying ages? Go to the park!

Henry's finally to the age where he can climb up on the actual apparatus and enjoy himself. He still won't go down a slide alone, but that's where I get some exercise in! He anxiously repeats "side, side, side" until we've gone down about 10 times. Have I mentioned that he repeats everything over and over again until you repeat what he has said?...then and only then is he satisfied.

This is his celebratory dance for pushing the swing by himself...

And this is his oh so serious look. Many strangers have said "so serious" when they see my little boy with his furrowed brow. He sure can look pensive!

Here's the crew that fills up an entire Suburban (Jude was being breastfed), and is known to be loud, cute, and crazy!

And here's the sweetest little thing that I will be responsible for beginning tomorrow. I hope all of those being-a-mom-to-a-tiny-baby instincts come flooding back and that Henry will adjust to sharing his mommy okay! Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

sounds like you are having a fun time. I think the best invention ever is a park! what would we do with out a park where our kids could go play for hours on end?? Every kid loves them, big or small! :) Good luck taking care of your nephew. I am sure you will love it. He is so cute.

pamela said...

you are very very brave....

annek said...

Cousins are SO much fun! Good luck with all the kids! You are a very good sister!