
"This is the place"

We made it home! The journey went quite smooth actually. We left Indiana on Monday night and arrived in Utah on Wednesday night. As we drove down Parley's Canyon at sunset and caught our first glimpse of the valley we had a rush of excitement. Driving 22 hours through snow, wind, and freezing temperatures wasn't the best, but we managed to make it safely!

Here's our get-up....

Preston did an amazing pack job and we were able to fit multiple large boxes, all of Henry's toys, my Grandma's chest, my Grandma's rocking chair, Henry's wagon, and many other miscellaneous items all into the back of the truck and inside the car. We were FULL! Can you tell my husband hates U-hauls?....After getting pulled off the road by one driving through Wyoming this time last year, he has banned them....thus, the overstuffed truck bed. It was a good thing too because we met the EXACT same conditions coming through Wyoming again.....a beautiful sunny day by the looks of it, but actually it was below 10 degrees with a wind advisory and blowing snow like you couldn't believe.....

Henry did great with his toys, dvds, and raisins (that kid can't get enough of them!). We thought he would sleep way more than he did (I think I topped him in that department), but he preferred looking out the window, eating or watching shows instead. Once we'd get to our hotel for the night he would do laps around the room and jump on the beds....he had to let all of that cooped up energy out!

We are so glad to be home! It's been busy since the second we got here.....unloading the truck, unpacking just the necessities for now, painting and visiting friends and family. But, it's all worth it! We've been waiting for this moment for so long! We are finally home!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe you packed so much stuff into that truck! Impressive!! Welcome home! :) We need to plan a get together next time I'm in Utah!

The Unprocessed Project said...

Holy crap, that's one heck of a pack job! Welcome home!

annek said...

Congrats! It's so good to be home! I'm glad you made it through windy WYO. No one understands the madness until they have actually witnessed it. Good luck with all you have ahead of you!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to visit the pad, I love it! The Say fam