
the first attempt

We had our first photo shoot this morning with our new camera! I literally picked the thing up, turned it on, and started shooting away. I know the camera has a lot more potential than just that, but I'm pretty impressed with these!...

Henry, attempting to ingest the lens cap...

He decided to come check out what was in that hole....

The major complaint with my old camera was the lighting. Our flash was ultra bright no matter what we set it on. I thought this picture captured some pretty good light...

...and an extreme close-up of that adorable face with the lip tuck!

That's it for now! Off to experiment some more....


pamela said...

gorgeous pictures! now i'm the only one in the fun bunch without a professional camera. oh well! at least i'm blogging

The Unprocessed Project said...

Great pics! I'm so jealous of your new toy!!

Also, I'm a little hurt that I didn't make your links list. Ha ha just kidding!!