

My "one little word" this year chose me.
That sounds silly, but I will tell you how.
Or maybe nobody is listening, but I still want to get this down for memory's sake.

I feel like I'm an okay mom, an okay friend, an okay wife, an okay sister and an okay child of my Heavenly Father.  I complete most of my tasks, do an okay job at it, and move on.  Most of my days consist of the usually mommy mania- shower, clean up, cook, clean up, get kids ready, clean up, drive everyone around, clean up, grocery shop, clean up, workout here and there, clean up, cook, clean up, give kids baths, clean up, homework, clean up etc.  You all know the drill.  Well, along came the internet, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and this and that.  All of the sudden most of us just feel like an okay person now even though we probably rock at quite a few things.  No one is that dream mom who plays with her kids all day, cooks gourmet meals, dates her husband weekly, with a sparkling house (a very fine house, by the way) and serves in her church calling with humility and zeal.  RIGHT? Am I right?  I like to think I'm right (most of the time).  This thought has occupied most of my thoughts lately, and from what I'm reading, most of your thoughts too.  It's just too much to handle and too much to desire to tell you the honest truth....that would make me a basketcase!  Well, that's where my "one little word" crept along.  As I was going about in my boring (to the world) daily life's tasks little voices crept into my head (I'm sure it was my own thoughts), "REMEMBER: your kids won't be this little forever, just play one game of Old Maid", "REMEMBER: your house doesn't have to be perfect to be happy", "REMEMBER: you know what is most important, now act like it", "REMEMBER: you don't get to pick your church calling, Heavenly Father is in charge", "REMEMBER: you may need to drink some water today, water is good for you", "REMEMBER, you may be having a crappy day but that person you just got mad at is having a much worse day", "REMEMBER, a pretzel doesn't make a meal",
and the list goes on.
REMEMBER just kept popping up in my thoughts.
I know what is best.  I know what is right for me.
I just have to REMEMBER!

So there you have it.
My "one little word" for 2013 is REMEMBER.

And instead of a ring this year, because last year I didn't wear many jewels (only perfect moms do),
I decided to make a printable to frame in my bathroom where only I will see it (unless Preston decides to remind himself too).  And this is it...


As for the scripture on the bottom?
I've had a few bouts of anxiety this year, and someone shared this scripture at church and I love it!
I have to always remind myself that I must not live in fear (or anxiousness) but live with the spirit of power, love and a sound mind.  Isn't that a good one?  It needs to hang quite large somewhere in my home (maybe out of some pallet wood, hand-painted by me, and found on Pinterest, of course ;)  ).

So here's to another good year!
I hope I remember to remember!


pamela said...

love it! it's genius.

The Unprocessed Project said...

Love this, Jess. I need to remember more, too. I'm convinced that Pinterest is the devil in disguise!!

RBR said...

Love this! Would you share your printable file?

Kat G. said...

Thank you for this! I want to remember too! Happy New Year!

Jessie said...

Sure! Just email me and I will send you the file...

Janelle said...

I LOVE YOUR WORD! It is perfect for everyone! You are amazing and yes I know you don't think you are, but you are an incredible person to know! Thank you for sharing this word so I can also always remember what is most important!!!

Jojo said...

Thank you! Love it! My OLW this year is Today. I just need to be more here and now, in every way.

Tiffany Campbell said...

Thank you so much! I linked in through Nicholeen's blog. I definitely needed that.

Leah said...

Thank you for this! I need to remember a lot more. I linked in to your blog from an article on Meridien. Good luck with remembering!