
so-called soccer

James started his second season of soccer last night, if we can call it that.

It's more of the same stuff we watched last year.

His dad is still the coach...
Oh wait, wrong coach. Here's the I-just-got-off-work-and-rushed-here one...
Isn't that funny though? The other team was Thunder and the coach pictured above even played the "THUNDER" song when they were warming up and resting between quarters. What a crack up!

More huddling toddlers all over the ball...

More being excited for when someone scores, no matter whether they are on your team or not...

But, I must admit, a few things have changed since last season.

James has a little more hustle...

And, he already has a goal under his belt and a smile on his face...

He says everyday, "Is it Tuesday today? That's my soccer day."

Also, this season I have a babysitter to sit on the sidelines with Stella...
Oh wait, that's Aunt Nellie. She gets to be a cheerleader this time around because Davis is on the team too!

Looks like we're in for a great season!
Go T-Rex (that's the team name they picked)!!!


kstatekatie said...

So stinkin cute. Is that other coach being serious with that outfit?

Jennifer said...

Ok, I'm very worried about that other coach... Is he ok?

Jessie said...

It was a complete joke and his wife was really embarrassed!