
Junk Sale

We had our first garage sale ever on Saturday.
I spent the naptimes during the week sorting baby clothes
and organizing them by sizes on separate tables.
It was fun & sentimental looking through old memories.
I think my layout looked pretty nice and inviting...
I love buying baby clothes, as you can tell by the picture above,
so I was hesitant to sell my collections from the past 6 years.
But, I made the leap and put them out for anyone to grab for just $1.
I was imagining pregnant ladies elbowing for space around the tables,
filling up garbage sacks full of the near-free shirts, pants, jackets and shoes.

I woke up at 5am to shower and get everything set up.
The boys woke up just minutes before 7am and had their
lemonade and muffin stand ready for business...
{the boys and their neighbor friends}

The customers came and we kept busy the whole 4 hours.
All of the lemonade was sold, and we only had 3 muffins leftover.
I'm sure the people were sold on the yells from the little salesman,
"Fresh muffins. $1. Fresh lemonade. $.25".
That went over much better than "Fatty Muffins. Fake Lemonade." would have.
We were teaching them about money, not about telling the truth.
Dave Ramsey would have loved us. Jamie Oliver not so much.
I wore my fanny pack of money with pride the entire time.
We made off great, but it totally surprised me what people were buying.
NOT my cute, well-taken-care-of baby clothes but my old junk...
kitchen gadgets, linens, broken frames, out-dated material...
I was shocked.
The sale was over, and I still had my neat piles of baby clothes,
so I loaded them up in the truck and took them over to
Once Upon A Child. They give cash for clothes.
They said it would take a few days to go through all SIXTEEN bins...
we'll see if we can make a few more dollars off of that.

And I must add that my hubby, who claimed that garage sales are tacky
and rolled his eyes every time I asked him to add it to the garage sale stack,
sat next to me in the lawn chair the entire time and was eating up the excitement.
He was helping people load up their stuff, grabbing bags, taking money
and even went as far as saying it was pretty fun and that we might need to do it again.

So this was our first but may not be our last.
I'll be sure to make a stash of broken appliances and stained linens
to save for all of those garage sale junkies for next round.
After all, we know that's what they are after,
quite to my dismay!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that looks way too organized, but why would i expect anything less, can you come help me organize for my garage sale, and my life for that matter?