
Forever and Ever, Amen.

{the announcement}

Preston's brother, Beauen, got married this week!
When picking a wedding date I told him that the only thing
we had in April was Stella's first birthday on the 6th
but that April 6th was a pretty cool date.
They ended up picking April 6th, Stella's first birthday,
as their wedding day, and it was a great day!

We dropped our kids off at Pam's bright and early
because they had the first wedding of the day at the Salt Lake Temple.
The ceremony was beautiful and we walked out to the sun shining
on the temple grounds....that's a true miracle in April around here!

While we waited for the newlyweds, we pretended we were newly wed...
Then the happy couple came out, all smiles...

After pictures and hot chocolate (it was pretty darn cold at 10am),
we all met up at The Lionhouse for a delicious lunch that included
the best rolls ever made.

Just before this picture I was telling them how jealous I was
that they would be leaving for 80 and sunny in Hawaii the following day...

On our way to the car we had to stop at the traditional wedding backdrop spot
and take a few moments to pretend that we were young and in love...
well, we still are.
But maybe not so young.

After hanging out with the birthday girl all afternoon
we headed to the reception.

Stella had no clue it was even her birthday,
but she sure looks cute in her dress made by my talented friend.

The best birthday present she could ever get
was a few flights of stairs to climb and
some more guacamole at Chipotle.
Wishes granted.

Henry danced the night away...

I think it was a successful day.

Congratulations, Beauen and Monica!
Thanks for letting us share your special day!
Enjoy the flip flops and sunshine!
We have snow.

1 comment:

Niederfam said...

Happily ever after.........ah....Hawaii, sounds PERFECT right now.....;) LUCKY them.

CUTE CUTE little dress on Stella too, love it, what a talented friend. ;)

My little one LOVES to climb stairs too!!!

My BIL gets married 3 days after we return from Europe, I'm hoping I can remember being there!!! Ha ha.....