
a name and a blessing

We blessed our Stella Jane on Sunday, July 4th.
It was a special day for our baby girl, and I loved everything about it.

She was dressed in a white dress with pink and brown stars on it made by my friend Kinsey.
She wore a white headband with a white and pink flower made by my friends Allie and Katie.
She had a bracelet on her wrist that had a star and an "S" block on it that I bought before Henry was born (thinking I was having a girl first).

The fourth of July couldn't have been a more perfect day for her blessing.
Her Daddy and I started dating on the fourth of July,
and we have both always loved the holiday.
Stella means "star" and the fourth of July is all about the stars and stripes.
The day was perfect.
Family and friends came to our home.
Daddy and other Priesthood holders held her in their arms
and gave her a name and a blessing.

She was given the name Stella Jane.
I first heard the name Stella on September 11, 2001, and immediately knew that would have to be my daughter's name. I loved that it was old-fashioned, feminine (but not too cutesy), and that it meant "star" (I've always loved stars). Jane is after my mother-in-law, Janeen, who is and was an amazing mother and made my hubby the man that is.

The blessing was so sweet. He called her
"a gift from Heavenly Father to the Earth",
and I must agree.
He blessed her with a "life of learning" and "the gift of the spirit".
It was beautiful and so is she.


Jessica said...

Sounds like a pretty amazing blessing for a pretty amazing little girl. I love all the symbolism. Her dress, hair band and bracelet are darling.

chris w said...

She is so beautiful and you ca see her cute personality in those pictures. I love her dress/accessories! Glad it was such a special day. :)

Sarah said...

She is gorgeous and so happy!!!!!

Renee said...

She is adorable! Love that dress...it's so cute, with her cute little flower in her hair too.

Did you do your annual tradition of singing "I'm proud to be an American" in front of family? :)