
Miss Organization Strikes Again!

When asked to describe me in one word *most* people would say "organized". Well, here I go again. Allie makes great chalkboard vinyl these days, so I hit her up for a menu, a shopping list, and a days of the week calendar to make my fridge my life organizer.
I've had it for a few weeks now, and I can breathe easier. I feel like my life is at my fingertips....what will we be eating tonight? What do I need at the store? What do I have to get done today....or tomorrow? No more confusion or lack of planning....it stares at me when I go to the fridge 10 times a day for water (for me), yogurt (for James) and milk (for Henry).

It's just what I needed. I'm obsessed, but I'm organized...and at peace.

You know you want some too! Get it here.


Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Ooh I've seen those before! Those are pretty cool. I just like my fridge bare & clean, though. They'd have to go elsewhere.

The Unprocessed Project said...

I'm coming to your house on Sunday...I love me some apps.

Sarah said...


jodi said...

i will never be you...not that i don't try to be daily, my organizational button is turned off. I need perfessional help.

Unknown said...

We're looking for a house right now. If I buy one with a nice mother in law in the basement will you move in an organize my life?