We made a trip to the zoo last week. Janelle and I took the boys to see the lions, and tigers and bears (oh my!).
Henry was a hoot, walking the zoo, telling us all about the animals. He had to hold the map, visit the turkeys, take a drink from the lion fountain, smell the rhino (yes, they offer that there), watch the giraffe (his personal favorite) eat and take potty breaks (we're still working on the whole potty training challenge). He's at a fun age where he has something to say about everything and is trying to figure out how everything works.

James took in the zoo from the stroller, sitting next to Davis the entire time. They were caught scratching each other, holding hands and sharing crackers. I was even asked if the two were twins. They are cousins, they are nearly the same size, they are both wearing orange, but no, they look very different and are not twins. They are both pretty darn cute though.

It was a wild day filled with adventure. Wild animals. Wild kids. Wild weather (sunny then cloudy, warm and then cool). It was wonderful.
We had so much fun! I can't wait to go next month too!!!
Looks like fun. Where is that zoo? SLC?
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