Yesterday was one of the most exhilarating days of my life. As many of you know I teach
Natural Childbirth Classes in my home every Saturday morning. Allie, my neighbor and good friend, took the classes from me for the past 12 weeks. Since her husband wasn't able to make it to the classes she invited me to help coach at her birth. It was amazing! She was induced because she was overdue but she took the Pitocin like a champ and was able to relax through the unbearable transition contractions and make it through the labor drug-free. She went so fast from 6cm to 10 cm that we thought the doctor wasn't going to make it, but she did and Little Miss Harper Kate was born at 3:11 p.m. and weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. She is beautiful and perfect, and Allie is recovering well (not even a tear)!!! I couldn't be happier for this new little girl to join a family with 2 big brothers, and I was so honored and excited to have been there for her arrival. Way to go, Allie! You did amazing, and I couldn't be more proud!

Congratulations to Neil, Allie and big brothers Beckett and Fischer!
Jessie- how much do you charge as a doula? I'm seriously considering going this route but I don't think my dear hubby is up for being the husband coach (let's keep that between me and you ;).
way to go allie!! and jessie! i'm sure you were a great coach. and i love the name!
Actually, I'm not a trained doula. I just teach the natural childbirth classes. Doulas in our area charge $300 per birth and that includes a few prenatal meetings to get to know your birth plan etc.
I think it's a great idea for you to hire a doula if you think you need more support in labor.
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