
Daddy's Boy

Preston and I came home on Friday evening after our birthday celebration out with friends, and from the minute we walked in the door Henry was jabbering to Preston nonstop.  "It's or birtday, Daddy.  We made you a cake, Daddy.  We have to sing to you, Daddy.  Here's the candles, Daddy.  Where's the fire, Daddy?".  He was so excited to "have the best birtday party ever" for Daddy. After cake, Henry ran downstairs yelling, "We got a present for you, Daddy. You have to open it, Daddy. I wrapped it, Daddy." I was feeling out of breath just listening to him go, but it was so cute to see him so excited to celebrate Daddy's birthday. Preston proceeded to open Henry's present, "net ball"...Henry's words for lacrosse sticks. The celebration lasted until late in the evening, way past Henry's bedtime, because Henry and Preston had to get a few games of "net ball" in before bed. On Saturday night, we painted our basement bathroom that we are trying to get finished so that our house will be 100% done, and Henry wanted a hand in it. Preston showed him how to tape and how to roll. Henry's bedtime approached, and I took him upstairs to jammy him up, and just kept saying, "I don't want to go to bed. When I wake up Daddy will be gone to work, and I will miss him." I just couldn't bear to put him to bed, worried about missing out on fun times with Daddy, so I took him back downstairs for a few more rolls and another late night with Daddy.


Megan said...

Looks like "daddy" had a great birthday! What a cute little guy to share it with!

pamela said...

oo, i can just hear henry saying that! i love the way that kid talks.

Unknown said...

im with pam, i totally could hear henry saying that in that cute voice, get some winks in too!

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

I think Henry looks adorable. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRESTON! I didn't know you were older than him (however slight).

P.S., those long. lat. signs are from L.L. Bean-- meaning FREEBIE baby! tee hee.

Melinda said...

Little boys and their dads are so fun. Ben wants to do anything Mark does and wants to be anywhere his dad is. It's great you let him stay up a little late to paint with dad!

Niederfam said...

I LOVE the picture of Preston and Henry painting, it's SOOOO cute.......