
James' ride

James loves riding in his sling. It is his favorite mode of transportation, or even just a place to relax for that matter. It's been a lifesaver for us (Thanks, Aunt Keely!). I can stuff James in the sling and have 2 free hands to cook, clean, play with Henry, or do whatever. With a 2 year old the 2 free hands is a must. I'm so sad that I lived without one of these when Henry was a newborn. James falls instantly asleep when he's in there...it's like he's right back in the womb again.I was at the mall the other day and a guy stopped me and asked, "is that a baby in there?" When I answered back affirmative he gave me a strange look and replied, "That scares me". For some it seems unusual or cruel and believe me, it provokes a lot of funny looks and questions, but the kid loves it. It's just like a baby hammock close to mommy's heart. And, it makes me job as mommy of 2 so much easier.

If I've convinced you preggos out there that this sling is a must, go here.


Unknown said...

Your hair is fadin Im noticing. The pouch is awesome, I agree, much better than carrying your baby in a basket (away from you, bad on your back, unhappy babe)

The Unprocessed Project said...

I love that his hand is peeking out in the first pic. I registered for a Bjorn type thing, but maybe this is the way I need to go. Looks comfy for mama and baby!

Unknown said...

that is the coolest thing! I think I want to get one and I am not even preggo!! :) It looks SO comfy!!

Melinda said...

I will definately get one of these for my next baby. With three kids I would need to have both hands free a lot! It looks so comfortable - no wonder James loves it!!

Jessica said...

I can't believe that joker at the mall said that. I think we should get one for our next baby, it seems like a lifesaver.

Orange said...

That's funny! When M was 3 mos. we went to DC for a week and I wore him in it while touring all the museums. I got the strangest comments and reactions. (This was over 3 years ago) With E, I got only about half as many comments. I love wearing my babies and I'm glad it's catching on!

When they get a little heavier, nothing is better than a back carry with a mei tai, an ergo, or a wrap.

annek said...

I've always wondered about those things. I saw a book in the library on how to do lots of different wraps to hold the babe but was never brave enough to try. Maybe I'll get enough courage next time.

pamela said...

oh ya, i was supposed to send you the picture i have of you modeling this....sorry...you know me, half a brain, if that.

i'm thinking i need one. (i have one, but it doesn't look near as safe as yours).