
Getting to know James...

James is officially 2 weeks old now. We've spent the last few weeks trying to figure out who this little man is. We really haven't figured out much, but here's my realizations.
1. He loves to sleep. He sleeps about 23 hours out of 24 every day (thus the lack of getting to know him).
2. He loves to eat. He weighed 10 pounds, 11 ounces at his 2 week check-up yesterday. He's quite the nurser, and takes in a big meal about every 3 hours.
3. He insists that his hands be by his face. Every one of my ultrasounds showed him this way, and he was born this way. We swaddle him every night and his hands break free within seconds.
4. He has a furrowed brow just like his mom and brother. When you catch him with his eyes open he looks quite grumpy because of it.
5. He has a clogged tear duct just like his daddy still does and his brother did as a baby. This creates a green, oozy goop that becomes crusted over and won't allow his right eye to open.
6. He poops and poops and poops. I will change him and smell poop again just moments later (buttered popcorn, anyone?).
7. His hair is getting lighter. The red is still there, but it's becoming more of a dirty strawberry-blonde.
8. He grunts, squeaks and moans in his sleep.
9. He loves his swing, his boppy, his co-sleeper, and being held.
10. He must have become accustomed to his big brother's noises while in utero because he can sleep right through him banging his drum just a few feet away from his head.
11. He's super laid back, unlike Henry was as a baby. We've taken him out to eat, to the mall, and to doctor's appointments and he just sleeps or looks around from his car seat carrier. Henry never lasted 20 minutes in that thing. It's been nice that he will just stay put, all cozied up, away from the germs for the most part.
12. He sports quite a few Pond genes...the eyes, the full lips, and big hands.
13. He's adored by all of us around here...


Katy said...

He his so cute!! He looks just like Henry.

The Unprocessed Project said...

Jess, he is just perfect! So, is the name officially James?

Melinda said...

I love reading about the new little guy because it brings back so many memories of bringing Seth home and getting used to two kids. I think all second children can sleep through anything because the house is rarely quiet. I also remember being surprised at how much they poop - I think we purposly block that out...at least buttered popcorn is better than what is smells like once they start baby food. I am so excited for you to experience what is in store for your boys. The bond of brothers is so fun to watch and it is so great to see how much those little guys love their big brothers.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I hope I get a 23 hour a day sleeper! That sounds quite nice. That picture of the two brothers together is just precious!!

Jessie said...

Yep, Katie....his name is James. Stillman James, of course, but we're calling him James for the most part.

annek said...

What fun to have a babe around. All those things are so special to hear about. It makes me wish for another one.

Unknown said...

I love the pictures. he is just the cutest thing!! I love the picture of Henry holding him! very sweet!!