
Pitstop to Palmyra

While we were on our roadtrip, we made a 2 day pitstop to Palmyra, New York, to see some of the LDS church sites. It was a stark contrast from the bustling streets of Manhattan to the quiet, tree-lined roads of Palmyra. We got a much needed break from crowds and noise.

We first visited the Hill Cumorah where Moroni buried the Gold Plates and later delivered them to Joseph Smith. There is now a large monument of Moroni that stands on the top of the hill. It's amazing to think that Joseph was led here to retrieve these plates that later became the Book of Mormon.

Here's Henry and I at the base of the monument...

After visiting the Hill Cumorah we went to see the Sacred Grove where God and the Savior appeared to Joseph Smith. What an amazing experience! This forest was the most peaceful place I have ever been. Preston and I hardly spoke and Henry fell immediately asleep...that's how serene it was. As we walked through it, I couldn't help but imagine that sacred event happening. We were truly walking on sacred ground. The sun was beginning to set and light was shining through the trees. I have always had such a strong testimony of Joseph Smith, but standing there were he dropped to his knees in fervert prayer and had the faith to really expect an answer from Heavenly Father, further confirmed to me that he was and is a prophet of God. You couldn't help but feel the power of that day as you walked where Joseph walked.

It was so neat to be able to visit the place where the church began. To see that an average boy was called to do an extraordinary thing. That the Lord called him to be a Prophet. I'm so grateful for Joseph Smith...for his willingness to follow his heart and follow the counsel of the Lord. He sacrificed so much and made it possible for us to enjoy the gospel today!


Anonymous said...

What gorgeous photos! I would love to stop in Palmyra someday!

annek said...

Thanks for the pictures and your thoughts! I would love to see it one day...it looks amazing.