Henry got a haircut today! I took him to "Cool Cuts" and he sat right in the little car, watched a Baby Einstein video, and got a little trim. Part of the way through it he got a little excited and started bouncing up and down on the car's seat....the lady gave him a comb to play with and he sat and smiled as she "tickled" him with the electric razor. He looks like such a big boy now! He's still got the fauxhawk, just a shorter version. I was sad that I didn't bring my camera along, but I took these pictures right after we got home!
Soooo cute! That's the great part about having a boy...they get to have first haircuts sooner. I don't know when I'll be brave enough to give Ella a haircut!
haircut? how can henry get a haircut before liam? no fair, all that hair....
we should record this moment... jessie forgot the camera! just kidding if he's like my boys this is the first of a million haircuts. he is a babe!
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