Henry Pond is 10 months old TODAY! I can't believe it! The time is flying by and my baby is getting big. Big is the key word....he seems to grow and grow in size, but not in talent. This kid STILL just sits and plays.....no signs of crawling at all! I guess he's content with that for now. A 9 month old at church today came crawling over to Henry and was just climbing all over him and handing him stuff to play with...it was like Henry was the "little kid"....ahhh! His dad is getting impatient...he wanted him to be walking long ago!
At 10 months he IS saying "bye-bye" (from time to time), sleeping a lot!, loving swings, mirrors, beach balls, being outside and his Cubs bat. He still adores bath time and grunts in excitement when his daddy walks in the door. He's such a happy baby and we're delighted to have him around.
What a cute little chunk! I just want to squeeze those cute cheeks! Don't worry about him not crawling yet...I don't think Ella crawled until about his age. Enjoy having him stay where you put him while you can!
WO PONDS! When does he get a playmate?
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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