Every year we journey to the mountains for our family Christmas tree.
It's one of our favorite traditions.
But somehow there is a reason to swear every year.
This year my camera lens busted.
So these are the photos I did get while holding the camera in a funky position
so the little contraption that busted wouldn't fall.
Most of the roads were closed so we had to hike to find a keeper...

Preston hauled Jamers through the deep...

Henry followed his Post buddies and mostly played in the snow...

Stella hitched a ride from Nick while I tried to salvage my camera...

That smile didn't last long. She got cold, real cold. It's hard to bundle a little one.
We found a tree a little ways up, cut 'er down & hustled back to the truck for warmth.
The boys loved hanging with the tree in the back of the truck, despite the chill...

I Jimmy-rigged the camera enough to get a cute Christmas card picture of our dear friends...

Tree Tag- $10
Hats & Gloves- $50
New Lens- $200
Swearing- Guilt.
Making Christmas Memories- Priceless.
Lol, that's awesome.
I would be mad too if my lens broke!!! Bah Humbug. . .
LoL you are funny. Cute post and ya I would swear if I broke my lense. I swore when I dropped mine and it didn't brake....but I think it is still crappy either way. :)
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