
{big night out}

Every year Preston's work has their Christmas party at The Canyons Resort.
It's much anticipated all year. More by me than by him.
I get to...
- buy a fancy dress and
know it won't end up with peanut butter on it
- eat a gourmet meal without interruptions
and without having to feed another soul
- have adult conversations
without having to "radar" where my children are
- sit in a hot tub and not swim in a pool
- sleep in heavenly peace
for 8 hours solid
- return to my children rejuvenated
and ready to return to mommyhood

Let's just hope it carries me over until next year!


Anonymous said...

Jess, i love your dress

bjean said...

You look great!

chris w said...

That sounds HEAVENLY.

You look fabulous by the way.

Unknown said...


Niederfam said...

So lovely.........P's company is flying him to Dallas for dinner and a night stay, MAN I wish I was invited!!! ;)

Lucky you!!!!!