
The little blizzard that couldn't.

We were told we were getting the biggest blizzard of the decade
the Tuesday night before Thanksgiving.
It was to be called "THE Blizzard of 2010".
Let's just say it was left unnamed.
I called Preston home from work early,
made a warm & cozy dinner,
the boys shoveled,
we all took turns on the sled, courtesy of Dad's muscles,
and went back inside for hot chocolate.
We got maybe 5 or so inches.
No biggie in Utah.
But thanks for the hype,
the excitement,
and the family fun!
Preston went to work as usual on Wednesday,
but I felt like a kid again, waiting to see if school would be cancelled.
No luck.
Same stuff, different day.


Niederfam said...

I know, really, what was all the HOOP-LA about??? Much ado about nothing, I'm thinking some media guy had something to get home early for, so he made it all up, and everyone else followed!!!! ;) Glad you had a FUN night, regardless.

pamela said...

no kidding. then there is absolutely no mention of the storm that dumped 16 inches on sunday. seriously. 16 INCHES!!

Renee said...

I know, I felt jipped. We even had 3 feet on our driveway...school still wasn't cancelled. I don't know what it takes to get a snow day around here!