Baby #1 took a binky.
Baby #2 took his thumb.
Baby #3 is refusing all of the above.
While my sister was here and getting plenty of Stella time, she insisted that our baby loved to suck and needed a pacifier. I wasn't against it, she had just never preferred one. So Angie kept attempting "Spring Training", that's what she called it. She would stick the Nuk in Stella's mouth and wait for her reaction. The most common was gagging and spitting it out or "striking out" in Angie's terms. A few times she would suck, and suck, and suck and Angie would declare it a "homerun".
There was a bit of success during the training but it never seemed to really stick off the field.
I don't think she'll be making it to the Majors anytime soon!
Lucy is the same way - won't take a pacifier at all! (She just gags and spits it out.) I admit I am baffled by this behavior, both my other girls have been huge paci lovers.
Don't worry...she will be a "pro" by the time we leave Hilton Head!
Eden never really liked a binki either. I love Stella's outfit!
Sidney loved her thumb. Wyatt never took either one and I thought that was great. Why encourage a habit they're going to have to break in a couple of years anyway?
We had to try a few different kinds with the girls before they accepted it. After a few tries, they each found one they liked and they each liked a different kind!
oh she's just soooo cute and totally fits your "mold" ;) my little miss doesn't really take anything either, silly girls!!! i guess one less habit to break later??????
Look at that sweet face. She just looks like she knows she has won because she's getting all this extra attention. What a cutey!
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