
My post-preggo body is a blessing!

{the 3 miracles that I begat}

I'm home now. Just trying to recover from our 2 week hiatus in Kansas. It takes days to get your life back together. Laundry. Mail. Laundry. Newspapers. Laundry. Clean. It's endless.

Now that we are sort of put back together we are ready to enjoy some summer fun around here.
But I keep thinking about dieting. Putting on a swimsuit. Dieting.
The weight sort of slipped off by breastfeeding with the first two but this little girl did wonders to my body. It's holding on to every.single.pound.
I know what your thinking. Coke and Caramellos don't make you lose weight. But really, with the boys I didn't try much. I just burned that extra 500 calories a day and lived it up. I was by no means in my "ideal weight" category even a year after but I was able to wear my regular clothes again. That's all I desire.

So, I just keeping thinking about how I need to get this spare 20 pounds from the pregnancy off, and then I remember it's summer and we're constantly on the go.....pool, gatherings, vacationing, visiting family....and that equals eating out and indulging in other people's cooking a large portion of the time. Then, I read this article that a friend posted on FB this morning, and I decided what the heck, I'm living it up a little longer and repeating to myself over and over again, "This body is a blessing! It is powerful! It is womanly! I live in gratitude for it"! At least for today, but I'm sure tomorrow at Cherry Hill I may not be chanting it quite so loud.


chris w said...

I love the thoughts you added.

PS: I swear girls do something to you that make it harder to take off the weight. :)

Audrey said...

I understand how you feel, I always have a lot of weight to lose and it never comes off fast after a pregnancy. Just enjoy your baby and worry about it when your done breastfeeding. Maybe then you can be through with summer and the holidays and it won't be so tough.

Tara said...

Nice article - I needed that too. I know how you feel - my weight fell off with my first, but not as fast this time around for me either. I hate that it's swimsuit season right after having a baby.

Niederfam said...

Agreed and I'm right their with you, it's this baby after 30....gasp!!! AND my little girl won't nurse, she refuses.......so that option didn't work either.........I'm telling myself 3 kids under the age of 6 to entertain all summer is a GREAT exercise plan too!!! Wish ME luck. ;)