
are you rolling the dice?


J said...

1)This video is a month old, he's talking about the vaccine being two doses but the actual vaccine is only one dose.
2)They introduce the doctor as being an expert in Infectious Disease, but he isn't. If you do some research, that isn't one of his specialties, he specializes in growth hormone replacement, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. I don't know that he's the first doctor I'd listen too about any type of flu.
Because this video is old, they have done more safety tests and made modifications to this vaccine since he spoke, who knows what he thinks about the newest version (and would he even know?).
3)I found links to a bunch of doctors that say they absolutely will give this to their children (including three that were on this Fox News report right before this guy), this is one the few doctors I could find that says he wouldn't. Why believe him over all the others?
4)The CDC says cases of flu and swine flu are much higher than past levels for August and September, it sounds like you're rolling the dice by not getting the vaccine. It is hardest on kids and old people, and if your kids go to school and church I don't see how you'll avoid it. There are already cases at my daughter's school.

Jessie said...

Wow, you have a lot of time to do research! I just loved that not everyone is 100% on board with the vaccine and "lying" that it is completely safe. Current vaccines that have been out for years aren't even 100% safe...unless of course you want to argue that giving your child more mercury than their brain is supposed to able to handle at birth is considered safe in your terms.

I think either way we are rolling the dice. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I don't think you can fight me on the governments website being false or inaccurate since they are the ones doing all of the testing, so please follow this link and read specifically points 8.1 through 8.4. "Safety and effectiveness of HINI Vaccine have NOT been established in pregnant women (ME), nursing mothers or in persons less than 18 years of age (my children and YOUR children)."

It just surprised me how many people jump on the bandwagon of a vaccine that has been rushed to be manufactured and has NOT been tested on the ones they think are the most high risks (pregnant women and children).


I hope you can understand a bit of my fear here, and my feeling that some people are blindly being vaccinated about something they've been told is "safe" but says right on the governments website that it has not been proven.

Tara said...

Interesting post. I have been really into this since I am pregnant as well. It seems like everyone keeps going back and forth. I hope to just wait it out and see. I don't want to be the guinea pig though being one of the first eligible people to receive the vaccines.

Heather said...

Jessie - Oh My did Keely tell you I called her about this question - to get it or not to get it since I'm pregnant. My doctor pretty much told me to get it or take my chance with death! Dramatic much! :)
I'm so on the fence with this it's driving me crazy!

J said...

Jess, that paper you linked to clearly states the vaccine isn't meant for anyone under the age of 18. Which also means it can't be given to a pregnant woman. So of course it wouldn't be tested on those groups.

I understand that people are afraid, but sometimes there isn't as much to fear as we think. There is one reason channels like Fox have a doctor on to tell you it's dangerous. Fear=ratings for them. I totally agree no parent should do anything to their children without investigation, but one source isn't enough.

No vaccine is 100% safe, that I understand. But all you have to do is look at a country like Afghanistan, one of the last countries that hasn't used the polio vaccine, to see how horrific our lives would be without them.

J said...

And I hope I'm not coming off as too negative, I think it's awesome that you pay attention the what is going into your kids bodies.

Janelle said...

I am soooooooooooo glad that you found another opinion! I feel like everyone out there just does what the government tells them to do without thinking for themselves! I am all about researching the topic and then deciding for me if it is safe! In this case I am DEFINITELY not going to get the vaccine. It needs to be tested more and more research has been done to really see if it is safe!

Jessie said...

Heather- She did call me after she saw my post! I'm sorry...maybe you need a new OB.

Jeremy- No, not too negative. I too am very grateful for vaccines. I just don't like how many we give our kids at such a young age. My kids will be fully vaccinated just on a later schedule (Henry is up to date).

That's what's ironic about the swine flu vaccine. OB's are pushing it on their pregnant women and pedis are pushing it on small children over the age of 6 months, and it was NEVER tested on those groups. I just can't imagine blindly shooting myself with a bunch of chemicals etc. in hopes that my mini fetus would recover just fine from it. That's the reason why I posted this to begin with....it's great that they are trying to stop a huge outbreak but it's scary that they threw something together so fast and it hasn't been tested on the "high risk" categories that they are targeting. They are trying to save the community as a whole (their job) and don't have the time or knowledge to focus on each individual person (age, weight, issues, etc.), and I understand why...it's just frustrating, and I hate that we are being guilt-tripped into feeling like we have to have it NOW!!!...or else....

I think Janelle makes a good point. It's completely personal, and you have to do what is best for you, your children, your baby inutero, etc.

Renee said...

Love this post & the conversation going on here. I always think of what my dad has always said, "and the government told us that Agent Orange was safe"...you know, they used that on American soldiers in Vietnam, caused all sorts of cancer, birth defects & sickness, not to mention hundred's of thousands of deaths.

Bottom line, it's foolish to blindly trust the government on these issues. We will not be giving our kiddos the vaccine... too early to know if there are problems.

Dean said...

Looks like you aren't the only one concerned about the vaccine. The Deseret News said 1/3 of parents oppose the H1N1 vaccine.
