
three little monsters

Since tomorrow is the first official day of Fall, I hit up my vinyl lady for some Halloween door decor. I called her with the idea, and she thought it was pretty cute so she put it in her shop (if you'd like your own). The set comes with 3 little monsters (dirty door not included), and I have only 2 living inside my house on most days....BUT, for the next week only I will own a 3rd monster. My sweet (not monstrous) little nephew, Davis will be staying with us. Can I handle 3 little monsters for 8 days??? I guess we shall see.

I love that we already have our Halloween decor up and are feeling Fallish, but I sure hope Henry quits asking, "Is it Halloween today?" soon, or else the monsters (the ones on the door) will not be surviving until Halloween night.


Janelle said...

Thank you so much for watching our little monster! I hope he is good for you!!! You are the best!!!

Audrey said...

I am glad that I am not the only one with my Halloween decorations up. I just love fall and as soon as I think I can get away with it up they go!