Henry has been taking a gymnastics class once a week for the past few months with his good friend
Liam. A few nights ago was his gymnastics exhibition. It was so cute seeing these little kiddos do their moves on stage. You could tell that Henry was one of the younger ones with not as much strength, but I think if he keeps working out with me and taking the class he'll get better. I took gymnastics for years when I was younger and never got beyond a back-walkover on the balance beam...So he may have my genetics and not really progress in the sport or
my sister's who competed for years and was amazing! I still imagine her doing double backs, full twists, and standing on that first place podium (and my mom hiding out in the bathroom during her beam routine...she was always too nervous to watch).
Here's my little beginner doin' his "nastics" (that's what he calls it)...


I think he enjoys it, and that's all that matters.
i got such a kick out of him on stage.
That's awesome. I'm all about my kids taking gymnastics. I think it helps so much in their balance and coordination which in turn helps them in other sports.
I love it! He looks like he is having so much fun, unlike that gal in the second picture. What's with the scowl on her face?
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