
a choice and a joy

No, I don't have friends that are begging for my attention, and I'm refusing to give them any. But I do feel like there are plenty of people out there who have no clue what it entails to be a stay-at-home mom. I do have the choice and the privilege to stay home with my kids, and it's not always easy, but it is a joy.

I just loved Carolyn's response. Her overuse of the word "constant" is so relevant. This job I have is definitely constant!


Jill said...

Wow! She hit the nail on the head, didn't she? Thanks, Jess! Have a great day.

pamela said...

oh yes...constant. amen.

Sale and Jaimee said...

Well said! That is just the article I needed! I have been really pondering mommyhood lately and I really needed that. I hope you don't mind if I copy that article and post it. It's just the thing I need to say without being the one that is stickin it to em' if ya know what I mean.