
I have a favorite child.

Henry greets me downstairs at the computer the other day with a big grin and black marker covered hands.  I immediately shriek, jump up and run upstairs to access the damage.  I find thick black Sharpie marks across my coffee table, my end tables, my television, my leather couch, my cupboards, my tile floor and my dishwasher.  I ran around the room screaming, tears spilling down my cheeks, repeating the same profanity (think mild) over and over again.  I was in shock.  My little angel (or somedays I believe him to be) had honestly left his mark on everything in site.  I calmly put him in timeout, got out the scouring brush and began scrubbing away at the marks. I was half-tempted to leave him in timeout forever, but I knew he wouldn't learn much from this while sitting in the other room singing on his timeout chair, so I requested that he join in on the clean-up efforts.  I gave him a rag and he kept rubbing the same mark over and over again and saying, "It's too hard, Mommy.  It won't go away".  I wanted to yell, "I KNOW AND THAT  IS WHY I'M SO ANGRY"....but instead I tried my darndest to keep my cool and remember that these were all just "things" and "things" don't mean much. An hour later most of the evidence was gone, but my poor leather couch will bear his marks for years to come.  Maybe I will cherish those marks one day, who knows!

But, this little man who doesn't play with poop (just beaters and brownie batter) and can't get the lid off a marker just yet, moved up in the rankings and is holding strong.
Now if we could just get him sleeping through the night and his tiny hands off the Christmas tree he could be considered angelic.


Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Dude, that sucks. I'm so sorry. I'm imagining you running around yelling "shi$#" 'cause I think that's what I'd be saying. So sorry. Those darned sharpies. Does it make you feel any better that my nephew who was 6 wrote his name on a brand new leather chair the day of Christmas with some message like "don't sit on my freakin' chair"?

The Unprocessed Project said...

THAT is why I'm not quite ready for Coop to be mobile yet. Yikes!

Melinda said...

Oh Jessie, I am sorry. Between the poop and the sharpie I really feel for you. Just remember, Henry's children will all do this to him someday! :)

Jessica said...

Great post. You are hilarious. I wish I could've been a fly on the wall during that little episode. I am so sorry but I am glad most of it came off. You could try fingernail polish remover but it might take the color off your couch too so be careful.

pamela said...

good response. i would've totally freaked out.

Shawn said...

Oh man! You are a stronger woman than I. I would have lost it. Good for you for keeping your cool. Have you tried a little bit of oil to get the rest of the marker out? Don't you just want to sell them to the gypsies sometimes? :)

Jill said...

Oh Jessie, you are way better at keeping your temper than I would have been. Bless your heart.

Here's a link of things to try for the couch mark:

jodi said...

jessie, just write him out of the will. My house is full of sharpie incidents....

PeavoyMom said...

Oh Jessie! What a horrible day! Just so you know, this happened to me once with the headboard of my bed and my hardwood floors being the target. I had heard that magic eraser would work so I ran to the store and bought one. I came home, poured water on it and started scrubbing, the sharpie came off like it was washable crayola markers! So future reference you can go grab a bunch of those and keep them for when your angel turns into his brother in a few years. (heaven forbid?) I don't know if magic eraser would work on your couch though? Good luck.

Kathryn said...

try rubbing alcohol. I've removed a lot of ink this way.

Davenport family said...

I definately know how you feel. Wow and you kept your cool.They say that two is the hardest age but I beg to differ.. I think three is. My three year old gets me so angry sometimes that I have got to remind myself that he is only three before I do something I might regret. I can't believe he decorated most everything he could think of..:)

Just think of these quotes next time "One should either be a work of art or wear a work of art"

"true art is characterized by an irrestible urge in the creative artist" -Albert Einstein

Henry could be the next Albert Einstein.

Krissy said...

Oh Jessie, that's awful!!! My Natalie does the same freakin thing... in her room, on her bed, closet, wardrobe, door. .. up the hallway, on the basement floor with chalk and marker... It never ends. Maybe I should try getting Natalie to help with the clean up and let her see why it IS a big deal. :(