
Conserve Water---bathe with brother.

Henry loves to take baths with James.  Or I should say, Henry loves to splash and half drown James. That's the way it was with the baby tub that lays down in the bath anyways.  But ever since we put in the tub seat for little brother, bath time has been much for fun for the both of them.  James can sit with his big brother, splash with his big brother, and play with toys with his big brother.  He can even drink a bit of the water via a squirt toy that Henry aims directly at his mouth.  Not only are we saving water by only filling up the tub once a night, instead of twice, but it seems as though the water is constantly being recycled....water in tub, water in squirt toy, water in James' mouth, pee in water, pee in squirt toy, pee in James' mouth........


Melinda said...

Those bath chairs sure do a good job of censoring the little guys for pictures!

Jill said...

Hahaha! Our poor 2nd children... they're so eager for ANY kind of attention from their older siblings, they don't even care if it's mean attention. :) Brenna adores Syd and Syd barely gives her the time of day. At least Henry really seems to like James!

Anonymous said...

The expression on his face in that first picture is priceless.

Anonymous said...

Just wait til you have 3 boys to bathe at the same time, It's like a tsunami hitting your bathroom:-)

Sarah said...

Sooooo cute! I can't believe how big James is getting!