
Celebrating in Chicago

We've kept busy in Chicago with my family. So far we have completed 5 puzzles and are working on #6, unwrapped gifts galore, made multiple mall trips, ate out at our favorite restaurants more than once, and knocked out 6 of the 17 of us to the flu. Henry threw up for the first time in his life, but I've been lucky enough to let it pass me by this time around. I'm still praying it stays away. The memories of having it just a few short weeks ago are enough to deal with.

The major highlight of the trip has been Henry potty training himself. He asks to go potty all of the time and often goes when i put him up on the toilet AND has a dry diaper. Last night he even pooped on the potty. I'm still putting him in diapers because vacation and airplane trips aren't great situations to potty train in and I don't think he's 100% ready, but I'm hoping those Lightning McQueen undies that he got in his stocking for Christmas will come in handy when we get home. When we unpackaged them he thought they were hats and even wore a pair on his head for part of Christmas day, but I think he'd love them on his little booty too.

Henry has loved playing with his cousins. They don't always love playing with him since he is in the "I don't wanna share" and "If I want something someone else has I grab it out of their hands" phase of 2 year old life. But, they are all getting along and enjoying destroying the house and the silence here at Grandma and Grandpa's house for the most part.Grandma and Grandpa have been great hosts. I can't imagine allowing 17 people under my roof for 7 days and giving up every bed in the house to sleep on the couch, but they seem to love every minute of it. I made them an ibook in iphoto for Christmas, and they just love it. It's hardbound and full of pictures and quotes about them from their grandkids. I highly recommend them for those hunting for a unique and personalized gift for someone. Check them out here.

Happy New Year's Eve! I hope '07 was good for you and that '08 will be even better!


The Unprocessed Project said...

Oh, Bob and Susie are the best!!

pamela said...

i'm feeling like less of a mother reading YOUR blog - i'm not even condsidering potty training liam at the moment. holy cow. your vacation sounds fun, minus all those puzzles. could we be more opposite? i hate puzzles!!

Melinda said...

Looks like fun! I love Chicago! That is great that Henry is potty training himself - lucky you!!

Orange said...

That's funny, we got Ezra those EXACT pj's for Christmas. I remember Miles was Henry's age when he first wanted to be potty trained. Just stick with it when the novelty wears off, because it usually does.