
first snow

It happened. We've gotten a few little snow showers the last few days. Henry has really taken to this new white stuff, even in it's teensy amounts. When he wakes up he says, "snow. see" and goes running for the door. Last night he was really excited to see his shoe prints in the snow...he takes one step forward and then one back to get a good look at it. And he can't walk by a single patch of snow, wether it be on the car or in the grass, and not swipe his little finger in it for a taste. He's taken to his daddy's love for snowcones and playing in the snow. Good thing he'll have someone to frolick in the snow with because I hate being cold and wet!


The Unprocessed Project said...

You have very cute doormats!

pamela said...

ya, i'm not so big on being cold and wet. definately a job for preston.