

Just wanted to let you all now that we made it safely to Kansas! The ten hour drive was honestly the easiest 10 hour drive I have ever done....Henry was an absolute angel, and I, for some reason, was alert and singing along to the radio the entire time. Now we're here with my sisters, and cute nieces and nephews, just hanging out in Manhattan. We choose to call it "Manhappenin" because of the lack of things to do here.....not much happenin. But, it's fun to just spend time together.

Henry has been taking off walking on his own here. Still a little tentative, but getting braver and braver every hour. He must want to keep up with those big cousins of his! Xander has quite the imagination and Henry will just stare at him as he pretends to be Spiderman or Batman. Roe just loves her "Henny Boy" and shares all of her toys and goldfish with him. Kenzie is his little babysitter....she totes him around on her hip and makes him laugh. We all went to a halloween fair at KSU tonight....Henry was quite the sight in his little chicken costume. I'll have to post pictures when I get home.

Here's a picture of my sister, Keely and her 2 little ones, Xander and Monroe. Baby #3 is due in March...most likely to be an Emmett or an Ireland. She sure is a cute preggo! Thanks for the hospitality guys!


pamela said...

keely is THE cutest pregnant woman i've ever seen! i miss good old manhappenin. have you been out bike riding in your bra yet?

The Unprocessed Project said...

Whoa, Roe, close those legs! What a cute family!