Even though it was Father's Day and Preston should have been the one getting gifts, he gave Henry and I the best gift.....he had the weekend off....NO work, NO cell phone....we had him all to ourselves! It has been wonderful! Friday night we went out for Nachos at a Mexican joint....debated buying the Farmington house and decided that it would push us beyond what our budget could handle (so the hunt is still on). Saturday morning we hit McDonald's breakfast (Preston loves egg mcmuffins) on our way to Sequoia National Park. It was so nice to go from barren Bakersfield to a forrest full of trees! We saw the General Sherman (the world's largest tree) after a nice hike. The weather was perfect (70's in the park) and so was our day. Henry is just like his daddy....he LOVES to be outside. We topped the day off with a yummy shake at Rosemary's....the Calfornia version of Leatherby's. Today Preston is really living up his first Father's Day....watching World Cup Soccer with his son. He can't wait for the day that Henry can actually play the sport with him.
Such ADORABLE photos! So glad you had a fabulous Father's Day with your two handsome men!
henry looks just like you
I love Nachos!
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